YOW. Here's some of the stuff I've made/taped together/slapped on other stuff and stabbed at recently (but not all that recently - the shirt I made last month, the DENTATA patch I made a year and a half ago, but the pins I made just a few days ago). I made a silhouette stencil of mein lieber drei hund and I've been going kinda nuts with it because I just love The Human Centipede so much. The pictures on the pins are all from National Geographic. The patches on my butt are to cover up big wear holes that began surfacing when I caught my butt on a nail leaving the Kodak factory - one hole is made and suddenly the whole ass gives out. The floral butt-patch says "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" ("In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming") (source, wikipedia) three times, but I broke the stencil after the first one and so the last two prints only say Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. I have a much more pristine copy sewn to the inside of that one jacket I wears all the time.
I've been doing a lot of crafting this month (finally) because my wardrobe needs some spruce. Mostly I've been making underpants (because I'm too cheap to buy them and I fel that it's important to treat my ass well) and some stencilded patches (and more to come) but also I've been bleaching things. Here is my specimen shirt (twenty five cents at my favorite second hand store?!?) and the stripes that I bleached onto it to make it more sprucey. Also I seem to have misplaced my eyebrows and meet my hammock where I spend so much time?
I fancied up some buttons a few weeks ago. These are pictures of those fancy buttons. Aren't they fancy? I cut circles out of national geographic then I wheat-pasted them onto buttons then when they dried I put packing tape over the pictures. When school starts again I hope lots of people campaign for things so that I can take their buttons and use them to my own evil dark evil purposes. You know. Like fireworks.
May I never be complete.
May I never be content.
May I never be perfect.
-Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club.
A blog about nothing in particular; nothing and everything or anything or me.I love: finding pennies on the ground, lightning storms, having dreams about houses, Reepacheep, giggling to myself about something foolish, being at my parents’ house and walking down to the bridge in the middle of the night and laying down in the middle of the road and staring straight up at the stars. Music, music, music, friendly strangers, great sex/cuddles, curry, maps, making faces at myself in the mirror. Smoking, gross stuff like blood and boogers, fight club, taking pictures or fiddling about with cameras, riding subways and busses, being on the radio, special Halloween cookies, people.
I have: sat in crop circles, hopped a train, had no home, gone hitchiking, lived in a trailer, and I've probably eaten your trash.